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Beating the Burnout -Immune System May Need a Boost

Let's face it - Women get the brunt of the weekly domestic workload--even those who work full time! Then throw in the weekend get-togethers which are meant to bring friends and families together - women tend to get stretched thin with long list of to-do's which all drive women toward BURN OUT. That ALMOST happened to my wife-which is why I have great 4 great anecdotes to SUPPORT women during this endless cycle of weekly demands.

Beat the Burnout.

FemCo: I call this "The Reproductive Rescuer".  This whole food product is the anecdote to the frustrated, irritable and inflamed woman.  Learn more about the amazing benefits of this life saving whole food product here

Chaste Tree: I call this the "The Cycle Regulator". This beautiful whole food supplement can help bring down excess prolactin, and can be used in cases with endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, and more. Learn more here

Cramplex: Oh dear cramps are NEVER fun. I call this product "The Cramping Cure". Designed for his wife with debilitating cramps, Prof. Kerry Bone formulated this product to help ease the pain of menstrual cycles.  When taken 3 days prior to the start of a menstrual cycle (6/day), and for the first 2-3 days of a menstrual cycle (up to 9/day), this formula can help lessen the severity of cramps. You may need to use this for 3-4 months, but this is a corrective formula. Learn more here

Wild Yam Complex: I call this "The Mojo Maker!". This is ideal for the woman in or approaching menopause and can be beneficial for patients who experience hot flashes.  Combine with Valerian Complex (3 before bed) for the patient who experiences night sweats associated with menopause.

Spinal Adjustments:  Finally, proper alignment and mobility of the spine feed the brain with energy that runs the body and decreases stress. When the spine is dysfunctional it affects the nerves that run and control the organs no longer allowing them to work properly. It is a key component in optimal female function so always include regular spinal adjustments to your health regime.

Does YOUR Immune System Need a Boost?  
Nutritionally, you want to be eating foods high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C complex. Whole Food Vitamin Complexes strengthen your mucous membranes (which are your first line of defense), as well as empowers your own bacteria/virus eating immune cells. If you choose to supplement remember that supplements should from a whole food source and use a whole food concentrate supplement. At Powersource, we have the best products on the market today!


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  • "The staff is always friendly and welcoming, addressing me by name every visit. Dr. Dubrul is very good about answering any questions I have and clarifying things until I fully understand what’s going on. I will recommend Powersource any chance I get!"
    John Lubisich
  • "I have good results with Dr. Scott. I appreciate his time and undivided attention when I have my appointment. His knowledge and support have been really important to me recently. The office staff have also been very supportive. Thank you all!"
    Susan Heidenreich